Never Stop Failing Up
December 2021 - mixed media
This piece was made for a magazine article concerning the stagnation of the virtual reality (VR) industry and how after many failures, consumers are still willing to give it chance after chance. I wanted to work with a limited color pallet and utilize elements reminiscent of traffic and street signs. Thinking of some of the quintessential things that are associated with the world of VR at large was difficult and finding a way to translate them into simple icons even more so. Luckily, I looked into what were some of the biggest VR companies to exist (Oculus, Meta, Vive, Cardboard, and Magic Leap) and used their logos to appear as though they were falling or rising in this sort of tractor beam emanating from the minimalistic VR headset. The headset was achieved by tracing a 3D model of an Oculus Quest 2 headset and giving it a basic color palette to match the icons.